About/ Contact

Little Raven aka Brenda

I am a mother of two awesome kids. ( in College already!)
I have four sisters, two of which are twins, also I am an Aunt to three nephews and a niece as well as a long list of fur babies! 

I am very family oriented...My life revolves around them! (by choice of course)

I have over 23 years experience in the mystical art.
 I have studied quite a few of the worlds religions and history in college as well as on my own time, as it is a passion that resides deep in my soul. I have been creating custom charts, tarot readings and dream analysis reports for friends and family, not to mention a few co-workers.

 Over the years I have broadened my studies but decreased my specializations to focus on Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, and Dreams. In the past and on occasion I do use oracles, runes, numerology, and Razi charts but those I would create strictly for those which have already passed. (to name a few)

I am an introvert living in a extraverts body... I try everything I can get my hands on! lol
I started drawing when I was a little kid pretty much like everyone else! haha but I never stopped it has stayed with me since then I have no formal training just the basics you get in school...

I started this blog and my YT channel to help support my family and upon request of a few who wanted to purchase my items. I have a chronic illness that keeps me home for now, at least until the doctors can diagnose it and properly treat it...

I enjoy all types of crafts! I draw, crochet, knit, tatting, needle felting, scrapbook, smashbook, project life, card making, quilling, sewing, jewelry making, the list goes on and on! haha

I love all things coffee and tea! I collect frogs, tigers, dragons, ravens, dragonflies, anything Celtic, tea pots among other items! I love Betty Boop, Tigger, anything Alice in wonderland, skulls ( not real ones mind you! just edgy graphics an such) lol and Labrynth the movie! I am an animal lover, gamer, avid reader, and fantasy fan!  Although the kids are all getting older we still have game night where Dungeons and Dragons, Cards, Minecraft, and  much more are still huge hits in this family! 

Be sure to follow the blog so you do not miss out on new items, freebies and sales!

Email-      LittleRaven1@yahoo.com

 check me out on social media!
YouTube- LittleRaven aka Brendahdp77
Instagram- LittleRaven1
Twitter- @Little_Raven1
SnapChat- littleraven-1
personal blog - wickedlytwistercrafter.blogspot.com

Thanks for taking the time to getting to know a bit about me!

Happy Days!